Customized Training
Training for corporations and other groups, at your site.
We offer a variety of standard courses that may be customized to fit your particular needs. We can also develop a completely custom course if you desire.
Based near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, we provide training throughout the Northeastern US: New England, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia.
C/C++ Training
Java Training
Current Courses
- Java Programming - Introduction
Includes object-oriented concepts as implemented in Java: abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism, classes, properties and methods, primitive and object variables, references, arrays, composition, method overloading, interfaces, inner classes, exceptions and exception handling, basic threads.
- Java Programming - Advanced
Follows the Java Programming - Introduction class, covering primarily elements of the Java API, although thread-related syntax is covered in addition to the thread classes.
- Java Programming — Accelerated
Combines the above two classes.
- Java Database Programming with JDBC
- Java Servlets
- Java Server Pages (JSP)
- Java I/O, Networking, and RMI
- Java Threads
- Java Foundation Classes (Swing)
A two-day intensive course. Versions are available for Oracle, MySQL:, Access, and others upon request. A moderate knowledge of Java and SQL is assumed.
Covers the servlet environment, the servlet API, and other topics closely tied to servlets. Additional material is available for custom tag development.
All aspects of development with Java Server Pages, including the expression language and JSTL. Additional material is available for custom tag development.
Web Training
Current Courses
Database Training
- SQL Introduction using MS Access, SQL Server, Oracle, Informix, or MySQL
Application Software Training
- MS Access
- MS Excel
- MS Word
- OpenOffice
Please contact us for more information.