Customized Training

Training for corporations and other groups, at your site.

We offer a variety of standard courses that may be customized to fit your particular needs. We can also develop a completely custom course if you desire.

Based near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, we provide training throughout the Northeastern US: New England, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia.

C/C++ Training

Java Training

Current Courses

  • Java Programming - Introduction
    Includes object-oriented concepts as implemented in Java: abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism, classes, properties and methods, primitive and object variables, references, arrays, composition, method overloading, interfaces, inner classes, exceptions and exception handling, basic threads.
  • Java Programming - Advanced
    Follows the Java Programming - Introduction class, covering primarily elements of the Java API, although thread-related syntax is covered in addition to the thread classes.
  • Java Programming — Accelerated
    Combines the above two classes.
  • Java Database Programming with JDBC
  • A two-day intensive course. Versions are available for Oracle, MySQL:, Access, and others upon request. A moderate knowledge of Java and SQL is assumed.
  • Java Servlets
  • Covers the servlet environment, the servlet API, and other topics closely tied to servlets. Additional material is available for custom tag development.
  • Java Server Pages (JSP)
  • All aspects of development with Java Server Pages, including the expression language and JSTL. Additional material is available for custom tag development.
  • Java I/O, Networking, and RMI
  • Java Threads
  • Java Foundation Classes (Swing)

Web Training

Current Courses

Database Training

  • SQL Introduction using MS Access, SQL Server, Oracle, Informix, or MySQL
  • JDBC
  • ESQL

Application Software Training

  • MS Access
  • MS Excel
  • MS Word
  • OpenOffice

Please contact us for more information.