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The buttons below control which section of the page below is "active".
This page uses active delegating and jQuery to establish delegating event handlers on a container. The event handling can be turned off or on by adding or removing a class on the container, rather than by removing/adding the handlers repeatedly.
$(document).ready(function() { $('#controller').on('click', '.liButton', function() { var $this = $(this); $this.addClass('current').siblings.removeClass('current'); $('').removeClass('active'); $($'section')).addClass('active'); }); // only recognize events on descendants of a .active element $('#colors').on('click', '.active .liButton', colorHandler); $('#blog>ul').on('click', '.active>ul>li>h3', blogHandler); function colorHandler() { $('#colorSample') .css('backgroundColor', $.trim(this.innerHTML).toLowerCase()); } function blogHandler() { alert(this.innerHTML); } $('.liButtonBar .liButton:first').click(); });
In the sections below, the absence of the "active"
class produces a grey
background to indicate that the section is inactive.
The buttons above control which section is currently active.
The selector passed to the $.fn.on
method takes advantage of the fact that
the context for the selector is the document root, in order to determine
if the clicked element is within an active section.
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Programming is fun! And, sometimes, it isn't!